Battle of Lamacs | Bitka pri Lamači

Although these photos were shot in October, I think they are worth to show you. You can see a
reconstruction of the Battle of Lamacs, the battle which originally took place in 1866 in Lamač (today Lamač is a part of the Bratislava).
This was the last battle of the war between Austrians and Prussians. The Austrians would probably lost, but fortunately, the Peace of Prague was signed so they could stop the battle and Bratislava was salvaged.

Aj keď tieto fotografie vznikli ešte v októbri, rozhodla som sa tu s nimi podeliť, keďže sa týkajú aj Bratislavy. Jedná sa o rekonštrukciu bitky pri Lamači z roku 1866 (Lamač je jedna z mestských častí Bratislavy). Samotná rekonštrukcia bitky bola sprevádzaná komentátorom aj napínavou dramatickou hudbou.
Bitka pri Lamači bola posledná z bitiek vojny medzi Rakúšanmi a Prusmi. Predpokladá sa, že Rakúsko by prehralo a Bratislava by bola poškodená Pruskými vojskami, ale našťastie sa stihol podpísať Pražský mier a bitka sa tak skončila.

Source/Zdroj: wikipedia


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About Michaela Ivančíková

The author of the Streets of Bratislava passionately searching for information about the history of her beautiful hometown. All photos taken by herself unless stated otherwise.
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